Where Our Usher Journey Began

Sue and Alice, mother and daughter both wearing pink. Sue is kissing Alice on the cheek.

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Where does our story begin….. Alice (now 16) was born profoundly deaf. In Oct 17 at a routine eye test (Alice has always worn glasses) they picked up an issue all we were told is she had black spots in her retina it was nothing to worry about!! That she would be refered to the hospital.

On returning home I did what most of us do and used good old Google my heart sank I had a panic attack and didnt know who to turn to.

Fast forward to February after local appointments we had an appointment at Gosh where we were told Alice had rp and combined with her hearing impairment she has Usher1 syndrome (I knew as I had already been doing alot of research) just needed the formal diagnosis. Alice was registered sight impaired on that day and many appointments were booked. It was then on speaking with Paula the eclo we first heard of Molly Watt. On the train home both me and Alice watched videos and read articals by Molly it’s then that we reached out. From day one Molly and Jane have been amazing.

Jane (Molly’s Mum) has been a huge help to me as a mother who is that bit further ahead of Alice and I on the usher journey. The information she has given me has been invaluable to getting where I am today.

The Usher Road for us has been a very rocky one. School was awful they couldn’t or wouldn’t except Alice had issues because she used he residual vision so well despite 6 months after diagnoses being registered severely sight impaired. They even refused to allow her to use her cane in school!!! Jane guided me through many a minefield and eventually Alice got the support needed. As a result of her guidance pointing me in the right direction and letting me chew her ear off as well a many sleepless nights on my part fighting the local authority trubunal Alice now has a place at The Royal National College for the Blind.

Alice has a special bond with Molly and really looks up to her she is an amazing role model and advocate for Usher. We both follow one of the first things Molly said to us when we met her….. Focus on the can dos and not the can’t dos. As a result Alice did complete her gcses including art. Also as a result of meeting Molly and Jane we now have so many new rp/usher friends (family) who I am now able to be there for if needed.

Molly and Jane thank you for the last 2.5 years helping both me and Alice learn and understand that anything is possible being deaf/blind having Ushers…….. Exciting things are awaiting Alice now ❤️ #ushfam #rpfam #deaf/blind #inittogether

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